In Western astrology, the planet Eris is a relatively new discovery. It was first observed in 2005 and named after the Greek goddess of chaos and discord. Eris is a dwarf planet that orbits on the outskirts of our solar system, beyond Pluto.
In astrology, Eris is associated with disruption, upheaval, and change. It is often seen as a force of chaos that can shake up the status quo and challenge the established order. Eris is the planetary embodiment of the saying, "out with the old, in with the new."
Eris is particularly associated with discord and strife. It is said to bring about conflicts and tensions, both on a personal and societal level. However, these disruptions can also be transformative, leading to necessary changes and growth.
In myth, Eris is often seen as a troublemaker. In one famous tale, she throws a golden apple into a gathering of gods and goddesses, with the inscription "for the fairest." This causes a rift between three of the most powerful goddesses - Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite - which leads to the Trojan War.
Similarly, in astrology, Eris is often seen as a catalyst for change. It can bring about conflicts and tension that force us to confront our own biases and shortcomings. Through this process, we are forced to grow and evolve.
Eris is also associated with the underdog, those who are marginalized and oppressed. It represents those who challenge the status quo and fight for equality and justice. In this way, Eris can be seen as a symbol of hope and empowerment.
Overall, Eris represents the power of disruption and transformation. It challenges us to break free from old patterns and embrace change, even if it may be uncomfortable or difficult. By doing so, we can grow and evolve into the best versions of ourselves. So, let us embrace the cosmic dance of Eris and embrace the changes it brings. After all, sometimes chaos is necessary for growth and progress.